Friday, September 30, 2011


21 years Ago on Halloween I delivered my 3rd Daughter
Leah Maree our bewitching Baby of Halloween
So the Birthday party planning is well underway...Obviously Its a halloween Party
so I've created a postcard for the invite
It's a photo of our house which I've 'fiddled with'
Not sure Leah will be happy with her head on a witch
But, she should have done it herself If she was looking for the Normal cute Baby photos and blah blah blah
So I'm off to town to have my photos printed
the details , Address etc I will print on the back....just add a stamp and the postcard invites are off

she was a cute Baby


  1. Sooo much cooler than an invite with a sentimental baby picture in it! Finally, an invitation made with the daughter in mind, and not as an excuse for mum to air her musty maternal memories out!
    You're such a cool mum, Shazz. Are you going to be in fancy dress? Wondering what you'll wear...

  2. Yes Nat, maybe a scarecrow...Not decided yet....any ideas would be great though.
    Not sure the kids think I'm cool....LOL
    Our last dress up was rhiannon's 21's....we had a PPPPParty...we dressed in something starting with P...Ed was Mr Plod & I was a peppermint....My Dad went as Pa....



such a lovelly winters evening