Thursday, August 11, 2011


So what's in the pot ??
trying a few samples, I have a whole line of eucalypts in a farm wind break that was planted under a scheme in the 90's....a man in Adelaide was matched with us. He grew trees as a volunteer which we planted. I 've prepared the silk and cotton and I'm going to see if any of them bring colour to my cloth.
I'm not sure if I will have many posts up in the next few weeks. I'm off to adelaide to support my sister. she is having reconstructive surgery. I'm very proud and positive that this is her next step toward the end of a very difficult journey with breast cancer. the bonus of all this will be getting to stay with my Daughter who is studying physio in Adelaide...perhaps I will get to see some museums, garden or have a coffee in a lovely cafe.....all things that are far from life on a very wet soggy farm, 40kms from anywhere.....

1 comment:

  1. Have a good, safe journey Shazz. Look forward to seeing what the pot yielded when you return.



such a lovelly winters evening